Monday, November 7, 2011

valle grande, san rafael: more pictures

this is after i fell in the water and the guide had to hoist me out. i fell on top of him, which almost caused bri to fall into the water, which caused the raft to sway dangerously to one side. as the guide is trying to grab bri, i am trying to get myself out of this awkward slash hilarious situation and end up falling backwards (this picture) because the raft was so wet

emma trying to pull me up, before the guide did

bri and i on the trek


this was saturday afternoon, at the lake. some of us swam out to a large rock and spent time swimming and trying to figure out how synchronized swimmers stay afloat by trying to stick our legs out of the water

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so argentina....a basket of white bread and coca-cola. i am now addicted to diet coke ("coca cola light") thanks to argentina

bri and i by the lake
my facebook is blowing up right now with all sorts of tags and posts and such about this trip, so if you have an inkling to really put the trip together (aka find out what actually happened when we rafted...there are more pictures..), they are all tagged so y'all can stalk at your leisure.

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