Tuesday, October 18, 2011

another embarrassing story

so this was semi-funny. about a week ago, as you all know, i was sick. i don't get sick very easily but i feel like when i do, i get something bad (ie, swine flu, strep throat, scarlet fever as a child, etc). so last week, i believe it was wednesday night, i went to bed before my family even came home. i was in bed by 9:30pm, and fell asleep by 10. i left a note on my door telling them that my sinuses (senos) were really bothering me and that i felt sick, but not to worry. the next morning i woke up and went for a nice walk. my note was gone from my door but i figured my family wanted to frame it or something because i used such good spanish. WELL. i came home and my family had texted me saying that we were eating lunch at my host grandmother's house, about a 10 minute walk away. so i get there late and as my family is eating dessert and i'm eating noodles while blowing my nose and trying not to sniffle every 30 seconds, my host mom tells me, "that was a very nice note you left for us last night" with a surprised look on her face. my host dad starts cracking up and obvs i was very confused. so in my fever-ridden state, i ask what happened with the note. apparently the word for sinus (seno) also means boobs. so without the context that i had been blowing my nose and sniffling all day, my host parents had thought that i had written that my boobs hurt and that i was going to bed early. so my mom is telling me that she was freaking out because she thought i had hurt my boobs or something but didn't want to wake me up if i was sleeping. meanwhile, my host dad is still laughing at my confused state. and remember all of this was in front of my host grandma and my two brothers. just to clarify, you need to be more specific when talking about your senos, or else people will think you're talking about your tatas. happy breast cancer awareness month everybody!

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