Saturday, July 23, 2011

buenos aires

hola a todos! today was my first day en argentina! apparently we were all supposed to speak spanish aka no english aka hello struggle bus but that rule lasted til....10am. rode the struggle bus at breakfast trying to ask someone where they went to school, etc, but other than that, we are all using a mixture of spanish english and hand signals. almost 40 kids are with this program, and about 10 of them are from u denver...the school with all the hot lax players. today we toured bs as by autobús and por pie, by bus and by foot. we went to a cathedral, saw the casa rosada (government palace), a cemetary and a lot more that i can't remember because i am freaking out that my computer will not have enough battery to last through this post. also i can't risk uploading pics beacuse my camera will die. i do not have an adaptor one here breaks 100 peso bills dubs tee eff why the face. that is only like 25 dollahs in us money. and the exchange rate is AWeSomE. like 4 pesos to 1 dollar. and everything is super cheap. like a hamburger is 8 pesos aka 2 dollars. i bought a huge ass bottle of water for 2 bucks. hollaaaahhh have fun in europe betches! (just kidding). after lunch at an italian restaurante, we walked around the equivilant of rodeo drive, but in argentina. people here are so incredibly trendy. FINALLY i can wear my boots! after that, we drove back to the hotel. where i am now. from the hours of 3 to around 5 or 6pm, it is siesta time. basically the city gets quiet because people take naps for a few hours. and i'm like YES.

so i will update dis blog with pictures asap. like tomorrow night maybs when i meet my host family! so excited. but also excited for tonight when we can go out to the bars and discos til this city. more later, xoxo

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